Circuit Design Methods for Quantum Separator (QS) and Systems to Use Its Output

The underlying dynamics (\partialt{\psi}=iH{\psi}) of quantum electrodynamics are symmetric with respect to time (T and CPT), but traditional calculations and designs in electronics and electromagnetics impose an observer formalism or causality constraints which assume a gross asymmetry between forwards time and backwards time. In 2008, I published a paper in the International Journal of Theoretical Physics (see arXiv:0801.1234) which describes how to construct physics based on the dynamics alone, without these extraneous assumptions. It pointed out that this changes certain predictions of physics in a testable way, and that evidence from experiment favors the new and simpler versions of quantum theory. This disclosure follows up on that paper, by describing methods for circuit design based on the new physics. It provides a striking example - how to design a quantum separator (QS), which separates out the eigenfunctions which supply ordinary time-forwards free energy from the time-inverted eigenfunctions, when the QS is connected to bidirectional power supplies now under development in several places.