Cytogenetic studies of 19 meningiomas and their clinical significance. I.

Cytogenetic analysis of 19 meningiomas from 10 female and 9 male patients are reported. Chromosomal abnormalities were found in all cases with a stemline karyotype 45, XY, -22 or 45, XX, -22. Three of these had additional sidelines: (a) 44, XX, -1, -4, -6, -8, -22, +19, +del(1) (:p33----q43), +dup(1) (p24----q31) t(1;1) (pter----p33::ter): (b) 44, X, -9, -14, -22, -X, +4, +del(X) (pter----q26), and (c) 44, XY, -19, -22, respectively.