Effect of Work Experience, Age of Employee, Training, Emotional Intelligence, of Work Productivity

This study is realized to analyze and identify some influence with their variable data test realistically, these variables among which 1. The effect of work experience on work productivity, 2. Effect of age on the productivity of employees, 3. Effect of employee training on labor productivity, and further section 4. Effect of emotional intelligence to work productivity. The purpose of this study was to gain knowledge, absolute value and also testing of the associated variable X to variable Y. In the process ,. Related to measuring value and process data calculations, carried out using SEM techniques and applications SmartPLS 3.0. The results of this study states the influence of all the indicator variable to employee productivity. The most significant influence on the productivity of an employee's age, it is stated that an employee who had an average age will affect a greater productive on his ability to work. This happened with the hiring fresh graduates.