The full-wave solution for scattering from two-dimensional (2-D) irregular layered structures is expressed as a sum of radiation fields, the lateral waves and the surface waves. Only the radiation far fields are considered in this work. The lateral waves and surface waves are ignored since excitations of plane waves are considered and the observation points are in the far fields. The scattering coefficients appearing in the full-wave generalized telegraphists' equations for irregular layered structures are proportional to the derivatives of the surface heights at each interface. Using a first-order iterative procedure to solve the generalized telegraphists' equations, the diffusely scattered fields from irregular layered structures are expressed as a sum of first-order fields scattered at each rough interface. In this paper, the like and cross-polarized diffuse scattered fields are derived for three medium irregular structures with 2-D rough interfaces. The thickness of the coating material or thin film between the two interfaces is arbitrary, however, in this work it is assumed to be constant. Thus, in this case, both interfaces are rough and there are five different scattering processes identified in the full-wave results. A physical interpretation is given to the five different scattering mechanisms that contribute to the diffusely scattered fields. This work can be used to provide realistic analytical models of propagation across irregular stratified media such as ice or snow covered terrain, remote sensing of coated rough surfaces, or the detection of buried objects in the presence of signal clutter from the rough interfaces.
Ezekiel Bahar.
Full-wave solutions for the depolarization of the scattered radiation fields by rough surfaces of arbitrary slope
Ezekiel Bahar.
Depolarization of electromagnetic waves excited by distributions of electric and magnetic sources in inhomogeneous multilayered structures of arbitrarily varying thickness. Full wave solutions
Ezekiel Bahar,et al.
Full-wave copolarized nonspecular transmission and reflection scattering matrix elements for rough surfaces
Identification of contaminant coatings over rough surfaces using polarized infrared scattering.
Applied optics.
Electromagnetic wave propagation in inhomogeneous multilayered structures of arbitrary thickness‐Full wave solutions
Electromagnetic wave propagation in inhomogeneous multilayered structures of arbitrarily varying thickness‐Generalized field transforms
Ezekiel Bahar,et al.
Full wave physical models of nonspecular scattering in irregular stratified media
Full Wave Solutions for Mueller Matrix Elements Used to Remotely Sense Irregular Stratified Structures
[Proceedings] IGARSS'91 Remote Sensing: Global Monitoring for Earth Management.
Physical interpretation of the full wave solutions for the electromagnetic fields scattered from irregular stratified media
E. Bahar.
Depolarization of electromagnetic waves excited by distributions of electric and magnetic sources in inhomogeneous multilayered structures of arbitrarily varying thickness. Generalized field transforms