Metals (Al, Fe, Cu, Pb), polyethylene, and other plastic materials with a density of about 1 g/cm3 are commonly used as liners and screens in solving dynamic-compression problems that involve phase transitions. In this paper, the equations of state are presented in the form of formulas, graphs, and tables for the pressurep and energyE as functions of temperatureT and density ρ. These equations have a meaningful theoretical form and are based on the measured initial sound velocityc0, densityρ0, Gruneisen parameter Γ, heat capacitycp, sublimation energyUevp, and the known pressure dependence of the compression modulus ϱK/ϱp. These equations of state are in satisfactory agreement with available experimental data on shock compression. According to the same scheme, the equations of state are derived for carbon and boron nitride. However, in this case, the situation turned out to be much more complicated due to the existence of phase transitions from the hexagonal form into wurtzite and cubic forms. In deriving the equation of state, the equilibrium curve between the graphite-like and diamond phases on the phase diagram was additionally used. As a result of realization of the aforementioned scheme, the equations of state obtained (i.e., formulas, graphs, and tables) are in satisfactory agreement with experimental data.
S. P. Gill,et al.
Physics of Shock Waves and High-Temperature Hydrodynamic Phenomena
H. Knoepfel,et al.
PHYSICS OF HIGH-ENERGY DENSITY. Proceedings of the International School of Physics, Enrico Fermi, Varenna, Italy, 14th--26th July 1969. Course XLVIII.
W. Nellis,et al.
Shock-induced martensitic transformation of highly oriented graphite to diamond
R. Berman,et al.
Physical properties of diamond
Y. Zel’dovich,et al.
Gas Dynamics. (Book Reviews: Physics of Shock Waves and High-Temperature Hydrodynamic Phenomena. Vol. 1)
G. Kennedy,et al.
The equilibrium boundary between graphite and diamond