Exploration of Detect-and-Avoid and Well-Clear Requirements for Small UAS Maneuvering in an Urban Environment

There is a growing demand in the United States for small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) to operate in urban environments. A key safety component of UAS traffic management is a Detect And Avoid (DAA) system to keep each UAS well clear of other traffic. RTCA, Inc., Special Committee 228 is currently working to define well clear and DAA system performance requirements for UAS transitioning to and from Class A airspace or special purpose areas. Those well clear and DAA system requirements are tailored to the performance characteristics of large UAS interacting with manned traffic in the NAS, and are not appropriate for small UAS operating in a cluttered urban environment at low altitudes. This paper presents the results of a preliminary concept exploration simulation study to characterize DAA system requirements for small UAS maneuvering in a cluttered urban environment. The study was conducting using prototype algorithms implemented for SAFITTM (Safe Autonomy Flexible Innovation Testbed), a UAS platform under development that will enable safe flight testing of unproven autonomy applications by providing integrated flight protection including traffic and obstacle avoidance, flight envelope protection, and geospatial containment.