NLH/E: a natural language help system

A natural language help (NLH) system answers questions that are entered as typed, natural language sentences. Compared to traditional keyword lookup, natural language input allows greater flexibility and precision. This report describes such a help system, NLH/E, which answers questions formulated in English. Currently, it can process questions about a substantial domain: over 130 functions described in five chapters of the Common Lisp manual. NLH/E is built with a novel caseframe parser that operates with a thesaurus, case inheritance, and noun/verb phrase unification. These features reduce the size of the grammr considerably, making it feasible to build realistic NLH systems. Statistical data about the grammar are included. NLH is a first step towards a reusability expert, i.e., a program that helps a client find reusable software components by engaging in a natural language dialogue.