Approximate analysis of a gordon-newell like non-product-form queueing network

This paper is tutorial in nature. It demonstrates how a particular heuristic extension of the arrival theorem, which was introduced earlier for very special network topologies, can be effectively applied (in an essentially unchanged manner) to obtain all mean performance measures for a rich class of Gordon-Newell like non-product-form queueing networks (QNs). All nodes in the class of queueing networks discussed are either FIFO or IS (pure delay), there is a single closed chain with probabilistic routing and each FIFO node also processes customers from a dedicated open chain. The number of FIFO nodesK, the number of IS nodesL and the closed chain populationN are finite but arbitrary and closed chain customers route probabilistically according to an arbitrary routing matrixQ. The think time distribution at an IS node is general, the service time distribution for both closed chain and open chain customers at the FIFO nodes is exponential with distinct service times for each, and both IS think times and FIFO service times are node dependent.The approximation technique is enhanced by an analytic study which demonstrates that it mirrors the expected behavior of the QN in many essential respects: monotonicity, bottleneck and asymptotic behavior. Moreover, in the case of balanced QNs, the approximation yields simple and explicit expressions for all quantities of interest. The analytic study and the numerical experiments presented complement one another and suggest that this approximation technique captures the essential structure of the QN, insofar as mean performance quantities are concerned.