Early Growth of Radiata Pine in Relation to a Land Classification System on Forestier Peninsula in Tasmania
SUMMARY A land classification dividing the forest area of Forestier Peninsula in south eastern Tasmania into two land systems, the Blackman land system and the Murdunna land system, and several land units is described. Results from a trial to evaluate four component units of the land classification for establishment of a radiata pine plantation indicate different growth rates, nutrient deficiencies and responses on different units. On three of the four units there was a growth response to application of phosphorus and an interaction of nitrogen and phosphorus. On the fourth unit there was no growth response to application of phosphorus alone but there was a response to application of nitrogen and phosphorus together. Without treatment, radiata pine trees growing on the Murdunna land system had extremely low foliar concentrations of phosphorus, nitrogen and copper. On only one land unit was growth satisfactory without fertilizer.