Return loss improvement of power splitter on EBG

In the present paper, the improvement of the return loss of a power splitter/ divider, designed by partial removal of electromagnetic band gap (EBG) rods, has been investigated. The EBG used is a rod structure and shows a band gap in the range 2.2395 - 2.5774 GHz. The power splitter has a return loss of 2.45 GHz which falls in the range of the band gap. It has been found that a larger matrix of the EBG structure is needed in order to improve the return loss significantly. However, the removal of rods, as the matrix size is increased, needs to be done with a fixed ratio of the input feed length to coupling length in order to maintain the same resonant frequency. The improvement in the return loss has been significant from -19.932 dB (for a 5×5 matrix) to -37.214 dB (for a 17×17 matrix).

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