The Rapid Geo‐acoustic Characterization (RGC) algorithm was developed to perform geo‐acoustic characterization using the interference patterns of surface ships of opportunity in shallow water. It has been applied successfully at low frequencies to synthetic inversion workshop data and at sea in near real‐time. The RGC algorithm determines an effective sediment, which matches the slope (waveguide invariant) and spacing (reciprocal of the time ‐spread) of interference patterns as well as the fall off in range of the received level. In this paper, we evaluate the extension of the algorithm to mid and high‐frequency acoustic signals in shallow water. The issues explored are the robustness of the waveguide invariant, time ‐spread and TL slope at frequencies above 2 kHz. The algorithm will be applied to a synthetic data example with a known bottom in a range‐independent environment.
E. Hamilton.
Geoacoustic modeling of the sea floor
K. Heaney,et al.
Rapid geoacoustic characterization using a surface ship of opportunity
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering.
D. Sternlicht,et al.
Active rapid geoacoustic characterization using a seismic survey source
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering.
W. Kuperman,et al.
Application of waveguide invariants to analysis of spectrograms from shallow water environments that vary in range and azimuth
Robert J. Urick,et al.
Principles of underwater sound for engineers
K. Heaney.
Rapid geoacoustic characterization: applied to range-dependent environments
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering.