Geology of the lunar farside crater Necho

The lunar farside crater Necho (30 km diameter) displays intricate morphological and structural characteristics. The highland setting provides a complex impact site when compared with the relatively uniform setting of mare craters. Therefore, the effects of pre-impact topography and structure play a dominant role in Necho's formation and modification. Necho's bright ejecta, extensive rays, fresh morphology, and lack of superposed craters indicate that it is extremely young. The asymmetric distribution of ejecta materials may be due to substrate effects, topographic shalowing, or oblique impact.Necho's interior is divided into five physiographic units based on morphologic differences: three ‘floor’ units (Necho does not display a true flat floor), one hilly central unit, and the wall unit which includes terraces and smooth walls. The interior of the crater also exhibits an unusual asymmetry in the prevalence of terraced units on the western wall. Interior morphology and terrace orientations are probably the result of pre-impact effects. Structural and topographic orientations associated with three large pre-existing degraded craters dominate the impact site.