ACNUC - a portable retrieval system for nucleic acid sequence databases: logical and physical designs and usage

ACNUC is a database structure and retrieval software for use with either the GenBank or EMBL nucleic acid sequence data collections. The nucleotide and textual data furnished by both collections are each restructured into a database that allows sequence retrieval on a multi-criterion basis. The main selection criteria are: species (or higher order taxon), keyword, reference, journal, author, and organelle; all logical combinations of these criteria can be used. Direct access to sequence regions that code for a specific product (protein, tRNA or rRNA) is provided. A versatile extraction procedure copies selected sequences, or fragments of them, from the database to user files suitable to be analysed by user-supplied application programs. A detailed help mechanism is provided to aid the user at any time during the retrieval session. All software has been written in FORTRAN 77 which guarantees a high degree of transportability to minicomputers or mainframes.