Implantable biomimetic electronics as neural prostheses for lost cognitive function

A multi-disciplinary project was described that is developing a microchip-based neural prosthetic for the hippocampus, a region of the brain responsible for the formation of long-term memories, and that frequently is damaged as a result of epilepsy, stroke, and Alzheimer's disease. The essential goals of this effort include: (1) experimental study of hippocampal neuron and neural network function; (2) formulation of biologically realistic mathematical models of neural system dynamics; (3) microchip implementation of hippocampal system models; and (4) hybrid neuron-silicon interfaces for bi-directional communication with the brain. By integrating solutions to these component problems, the team is realizing a microchip-based model of hippocampal nonlinear dynamics that can perform the same function as a removed, damaged hippocampal region. Through bidirectional communication with other neural tissue that normally provides the inputs and outputs to/from the damaged hippocampal area, the neural model can serve as a neural prosthesis. A proof-of-concept is presented in the context of an application to the hippocampal slice. How the current work in brain slices is being extended to behaving rats and primates also is described.