
A, , 0 is a complete semilattice with 0 = ∅, A, ·· is a semigroup, and · distributes over : (X) · y = x∈X (x · y) and y · (X) = x∈X (y · x) Remark: This is a template. If you know something about this class, click on the 'Edit text of this page' link at the bottom and fill out this page. It is not unusual to give several (equivalent) definitions. Ideally, one of the definitions would give an irredundant axiomatization that does not refer to other classes. Morphisms. Let A and B be quantales. A morphism from A to B is a function h : A → B that is a homomorphism: h(X) = h[X] for all X ⊆ A (hence h(0) = 0) and h(x · y) = h(x) · h(y)