Noninfectious and Infectious Complications and Their Related Characteristics in Heart Transplant Recipients at a National Institute.

OBJECTIVES Complications, which affect the morbidity and mortality of patients after heart transplant, can be divided into infectious and noninfections com-plications. Here, we analyzed both infectious and noninfectious complications and their relation to clinical, laboratory, and surgical characteristics in a Latin American heart transplant population. MATERIALS AND METHODS Data were obtained from records of 35 heart transplant patients in the period from 2010 to 2015. Noninfectious and infectious complications were divided into 3 time intervals: within the first month, from month 2 to 6, and after month 6. Relations between complications and clinical, laboratory and surgical variables in different interval times were analyzed. RESULTS In our patient group, 70 infectious and 133 noninfectious complications were reported after heart transplant. Infectious complications occurred more often between months 2 and 6 after heart transplant, whereas noninfectious complications occurred more often during the first month. Bacteria were the most common microorganism, and acute graft rejection was the most common noninfectious complication. Moreover, infectious complications were statistically related to 5 factors at month 1 (intraoperative bleeding, normal postsurgery leukocyte level, mild malnutrition, severe malnutrition, and graft rejection), to 3 factors between months 2 and 6 (diabetes mellitus, stage 2 chronic kidney disease, and cryoprecipitate trans-fusions), and to 2 factors after month 6 (prothrombin time and psychologic diagnosis). CONCLUSIONS Our results demonstrated that noninfectious complications should be anticipated first in patients after heart transplant. In addition, there are characteristics associated with infectious complications that can be seen during a specific time period.