Estimation of Runoff Characteristics of Non-point Pollutant Source by Land Cover Characteristics

This study analyzed the characteristics of stormwater runoff by rainfall type in orchard areas and transportation areas for 2 years(2010~2011year). Effluents were monitored to calculate the Event Mean Concentrations(EMCs) and runoff loads of each pollutant. The pollutant EMCs by volume of stormwater runoff showed the ranges of BOD 0.9~13.6 mg/L, COD 13.7~45.2 mg/L, SS 4.1~236.4 mg/L, T-N 2.123~21.111 mg/L, T-P 0.495~2.214 mg/L in the orchard areas, and was calculated as BOD 2.3~22.5mg/L, COD 4.4~91.1 mg/L, SS 4.3~138.3 mg/L, T-N 0.700~13.500 mg/L, T-P 0.082~1.345 mg/L in the transportation areas. The correlation coefficient of determination in the orchard area was investigated in the order of Total Rainfall(0.81) > Total Runoff(0.76) > Rainfall Intensity(0.56) > Rainfall Duration(0.46) > Antecedent Dry Days(0.27). Also, in the case of the transportation area was investigated in the order of Total Rainfall (0.55) > Total Runoff(0.54) > Rainfall Intensity(0.53) > Rainfall Duration(0.24) > Antecedent Dry Days(0.14). As the result, comparing valuables relating to runoff of non-pollutant source between orchard areas and transportation areas, orchard area( : X3, X4, X5) was investigated to have more influence of diverse independent valuables compared to the transportation area( : X3, X4) and the difference of discharge influence factor by the land characteristics appeared apparently.