Peningkatan Kemampuan Siswa dalam Pembelajaran IPS dengan Strategi Information Seacrh di Kelas IV SD N 23 Lubuk Alung Padang Pariaman
The studywas motivated bythe lowabilitystudents insocial studies learning, thisleads to lowerabilitystudentsand student learning outcomesin learningcausedby teacherswhotend to useconventionalmethods, the teacheronlydeliver materialandstudents are giventrainingin generalobjective of this studywas to describethe increase incapabilitystudentsrespond toandunderstand the materialinsocial studies learningstrategyInformationSearchinfourth grade 23LubukAlungPariaman. This research isa Class Action Research(ClassroomActionResearch). This study was conductedintwocycles, eachcycletwo meetings. The subjects wereteachers and students offourth grade 23LubukAlungPariamanamounted to19 people. The research instrument usedwas alearning processobservationsheetsandsheetsaspects ofteacherobservationsandtestresults ofthe students' abilityto learn. Based on theresults of research, learning activitieswiththisclassaction researchgainedthe abilityto respond tothe results ofresearchIcycled68.42% 85.96% second cycle. The abilityto understand the materialIcycled68.42% 84.21% second cycle. IcycledteacherActivity76.67% 93.36% second cycle. It can be concludedthat theabilityto understand the materialandthe abilityto respondcanbe improvedthroughinformationsearchstrategies. Keywords: abilityto respond to, the abilityto understand, informationsearchstrategies
[1] Dimyati,et al. Belajar dan Pembelajaran , 2024, Jurnal Basicedu.