Kwaliteit van het bovenste freatische grondwater in de zandgebieden van Nederland, onder bos en heidevelden

An increase in nitrate concentration is found under higher vegetation, southern forest borders, less vital forest stands, deeper groundwater levels (local factors) and more regional N, NOx and SOx deposition. Highest concentrations are found under Douglas fir, Scots pine, Black pine and Norway spruce respectively. An increase in sulphate concentration is found under higher vegetation, larger canopys, less vital forest stands, shallow groundwater levels, southern forest borders, forests bordering agricultural land and more regional agricultural surface, regional SOx deposition and less regional woodland. Highest concentrations are found under European oak, Norway spruce and Douglas fir respectively. An increase in aluminium concentration is found under less vital forest stands, at larger distances from agricultural land, under forests bordering low vegetation and clear cutted forests, under thicker litter layers, more regional deposition of N, NOx and SOx and less regional agricultural surface. Highest concentrations are found under Douglas fir, Black pine, Scots pine and Norway spruce respectively.