GEOMETRIDAE Stenoporpia umbraria sp. nov. (Fig. 5) Male. Color a dull purplish-gray, shaded on primaries at base and beyond t. p. line with smoky brown. Primaries with t. a. line blackish, well-rounded, from a point on costa one third from base to inner margin one fifth from base, slightly dentate on cubital and anal veins; t. p. line blackish, slightly dentate, rounded outwardly belou costa, bent inward to base of vein 3 then again bulging slightly cviith an inward angle in the submedian fold, followed by a dark shade band from which it is separated by a narrow line of paler ground color; discal mark a distinct ringlet, crossed by an obsolescent median line which in its lower half runs close to the t. p. line; s. t . line indistinct, crenulate, tending to conilect with outer margin by obscure dark marks in the interspaces of veins 4-8 ; outer margin with fine dark borcler line. Secondaries slightly paler than primaries, shaded along outer margin broadly with smoky; discal ringlet as on primaries, preceded by a broad oblique smoky shade, continuing the median shade of primaries: t.p. line obsilete on costal portion, oblique and crenulate from cell to anal margin with slight incul-ve between veins 2 and 3. Beneath pale shiny gray. Expanse 37 mm. E-Tolotype8 , TVaterton Lakes, Alta., June 23 (J. McDunnough) ; No. 9\56 in the Canadian National Collection, Ottawa. The species was captured in a rather densely wooded poltion o f thr trail along Cameron Creek. I t is interniediate in appearance between .satisfacia and cxrclsarin and it! genitalia approaches most closely to the latttr species, both having the apex of the u~lcus broad and truncate with the lateral edges prcduced to fine points, atid the gnathos obsolete; in this respect these two species tlifier froin all the others figured in 111y studies in North rZmerican Clei:rini, Pl. IV. At the time of writing this paper no n~alcs (ji cl-c-r/.cciriit Irere ava~!ahle ior c1.issecticrl but I now am enabled to figure the genitalia of n specimeii froill Victoria, 13. C. (fig. 6) and also have a i-nale before Ine froni Keremeos, B. C. The genitalia of z ~ ~ t t b r n r i u differ in the shorter penis and the finer spining of the apical ' . . c.ut ni: cd arca ; tbe 1110th is less contrasted in coloration, has a less rigidly oblique t.p. line on primaries, and pronounced discal riiiglets on both wings, which EeatLII-es hculd serve to separate it frcm excclsuria. Macaria inc olorat8a I> y ar syn. pztrccl!atcr. Taylor, 1908, Can. Ent., XL, 98. A series received fro111 Mr. J. if'. Cockle, including paratypes of both i~zro1urc;ta Dyar and pzlrccllata Taylor, would indicate that the first nanie was based on males, the second on feniales of a single species. In the entire group to which the species belongs it is usual for the females to show considerably better defined ~naculation than the tnales. Dr. Dyar's name has priority and the species appears to be a valid one, possibly niost closely related to sen-nzucztlata i'ack. frcm L,abrador. The species listed as pz~rcellata by Bowinan from Xordegg, Alta., is probably better placed under scxn~nctc.lafn for the present until the group can be carefully revised; it occurs in larch swamps ciily and I have