Monitoring Services Quality in the Cloud

19 Kingdom), CWI (Netherlands), University of L’Aquila (Italy), Technalia (Spain), Softeam (France), and Uninova and Unparallel Innovation (Portugal). OSSMETER aims to: extend the stateof-the-art in the field of automated analysis and the measurement of OSS; and develop a platform that will support decision makers in the process of discovering, comparing, assessing and monitoring the health, quality, impact and activity of OSS. To achieve these goals OSSMETER will develop trustworthy quality indicators by providing a set of analysis and measurement components. More specifically, the OSSMETER platform will provide the following software measurement components [2]: • programming language-agnostic and language-specific components to assess a project’s source code quality; • text mining components to analyse the natural language information extracted from communication channels and bug-tracking systems and thus, provide information about communication quality within the project and community activity (around the project); and • software forge mining components to extract project-related metadata.