Installed propfan (SR-7L) far-field noise characteristics

Far-field noise characteristics of the SR-7L single-rotor propfan were obtained from the Propfan Test Assessment (PTA) aircraft flight tests. The aircraft was flown at low altitudes (about 310m) above the ground at a constant speed of about 92 m/sec. The acoustic data were acquired with an array of ground-flush microphones positioned on both sides of the flight path. Propfan-generated noise levels were extracted from the total aircraft noise, and these data were then used to study the far-field noise characteristics. The directivities at the polar and azimuthal planes, and the variations of the blade-order tone levels with propfan power and blade tip Mach number were derived. The effect of inflow angle was studied by changing the nacelle tilt angle. The levels and the directivity were very sensitive to the nacelle tilt angle (i.e., inflow angle). The noise levels in the aft quadrant were found to be higher than in the forward quadrant. Also, the noise levels on the starboard side of the aircraft were found to be higher than on the port side. The noise levels increase with propfan power and rotational speed.