The ubiTV application for a Family in ubiHome

We present the ubiTV application which can help to implement a harmonious family in ubiHome, smart home environment. The ubiTV is a context-aware TV application for multi-user in ubiHome. Recently, several research activities on services in smart home have been reported, and the concern with user’s environment has been growing. In this paper, we propose the ubiTV which recommends services (or contents) according to the residents’ attention by resolving conflicts among multiple residents in smart home. The proposed ubiTV recognizes each resident’s location and orientation in order to grasp residents’ attention simultaneously. It infers their intention by integrating multiple inputs from a set of sensors. Also, it recommends the proper service or content to the specific resident by resolving conflicts. Therefore, it will be helpful for family-oriented home by recognizing attention, inferring intention, and resolving conflicts.