The Organization of a JINR Proton Synchrotron Beami Slow Extraction Parameter Monitoring and Contrzol System in the CAMAC Standard on-Line with an US1010 Computer

A general view of the CAMAC proton synchrotron slow extraction (SE) beam parameter monitoring and control system on-line with an US1010 computer is given. CAMAC provides an interface between the computer and transducers, as well as between the remote controlled SE devices, by means of a universal branch driver developed and used at the High Energy Laboratory as a standard interface for large CAMAC installations. The system is used to measure some parameters of the accelerator, which deter mine the operating made of slow extraction, of a slow extraction system and of an ejected beam. The system includes a closed feedback loop for making corrections in order to stabilize the ejected beam and to optimize the operation of the slow extraction system.