국어 문어 말뭉치에 나타나는 ‘차다’, ‘춥다’, ‘차갑다’의 용법과 의미 비교 연구
This research attempts to characterize three synonymous adjectives chata, chwupta, and chakapta ‘cold’ through an examination of a Korean written corpus. This study first examines the frequency of these three temperature-denoting adjectives in the database, showing that chata is lowest and chwupta and chakapta are almost equal in frequency. Second, it examines the frequency of grammatical functions of chata, chwupta, and chakapta, showing that chata is most frequently used in the attributive usage. Third, this work explores meanings of chata, chwupta, and chakapta, showing that chata displays speaker’s judgement about low temperature in weather or tactile feelings about concrete objects, that chwupta signals speaker’s judgement about low temperature in weather, and that chakapta shows coldness not only in concrete objects but also in abstract concepts, personal appearance or attitudes toward others. Fourth, it explores co-occurrence relations of the three adjectives, showing different patterns in the frequency of designated semantic categories. Finally, this research claims that a corpus-based analysis is a useful tool in characterizing and comparing synonymous words and similar grammatical structures in Korean.