Crystal structure of barium hydrogen orthophosphate
The strll cLlII'e o f ,,"hydl'oLis B aHPO, lI'a~ d etermin ed frol11 thn'l' i<'ollrit'r proj ec ti on s. The Llnlt cd l is or t horhombic w ith t hc ~pace gl'OIiP P n2IaNo. 33. The c(, 11 dimensions arc a = 14.12, b= 17.15, a lld (' = -+.59 A , and i tconb,ins t ll'el v(' form li ia IIni ts. E:1Ch Bn atom has a coo rdin at io ll pol y lwdro n o f tpil oxygcn ato ms, beill g bO llded to fOIIi' phosph"tc tetl'!\Iwdra b.v edge sharing Hll d to tll'O morc bv co rn el' shal'illg of oxygen a toms. The phosphate ~ I'O li pS ar(' in separate tetmlw clra , l inKed by hydrogpn bOllding to fo rm cO lltillllOIiS chni n,.; .