Spatial frequencies for accurate categorization and discrimination of facial expressions

Many studies have examined the role of spatial frequencies (SFs) in facial expression recognition. However, most of these studies used arbitrary cut-off to isolate the impact of low and high SFs(1) thus removing possible contribution of mid-SFs. Considering that midSFs are important for accurate face identification(2), it is of particular interest to include them to gain a full understanding of the role of SFs in emotion perception. To this aim, the SFs Bubbles method(2) was used in order to reveal the diagnostic SFs for the perception of facial expression. Spatial frequencies for accurate categorization and discrimination of facial expressions Isabelle Charbonneau, Stéphanie Cormier, Joël Guérette, Marie-Pier Plouffe-Demers, Caroline Blais & Daniel Fiset Département de Psychoéducation et de Psychologie, Université du Québec en Outaouais