Electrical engineering and project delivery challenges inlarge-scale photovoltaic systems and data centers

There are workflow inefficiencies and engineering knowledge deficits in large-scale photovoltaic system construction projects. This dissertation compiles the results of my doctoral research into (1) identifying and understanding the underlying causes for some of these issues and (2) developing mechanisms to address them. I assert that many workflow inefficiencies stem from sub-optimal organizational constructs—such as extreme project supply chain fragmentation and competitive bidding—prevalent throughout the construction industry. These constructs also retard knowledge development and hence influence knowledge voids in fairly new project types/scopes, such as large-scale photovoltaic systems. In response, I developed new calculation models and analysis methods to fill knowledge voids related to electrical wiring, component layouts, and electric arc-flash safety hazards in these systems. These contributions give engineers better understandings of the performance, reliability, operator safety, and cost implications of the related design choices and facilitate model-based design-analyses. Such analyses facilitate further knowledge development and improved system quality through metric-based optimization, examples of which are presented in this dissertation. This dissertation also communicates workflow inefficiencies and knowledge deficits in data center construction and operation—a project type that is also fairly new and heavily dominated by the electrical construction activities. This secondary focus is a logical extension of my primary research goals and conveys how the sub-optimal organizational constructs negatively impact newly popular construction types other than large-scale photovoltaic projects. As tertiary contributions, I demonstrate the use of systems engineering principles in construction projects and related design-automation software tools to illustrate how these principles can be used to improve stakeholder value and system lifecycle considerations. These contributions are meant to encourage increased use of systems engineering, lean construction, and/or other lifecycle based management processes in construction projects as a means of tackling the sub-optimal organizational constructs. Additionally, I introduce a new method for managing probabilistic uncertainties in popular numerical-based decision-making tools, such as Quality Function Deployment matrices, which are used extensively in systems engineering. This method is meant to increase confidence in the use of such tools and promote further development of (and/or research into) mathematical or scientific decision-making frameworks.