Hesaplamanın farklı formları ve hesaplamada paradigma kaymaları /Various forms of computing and paradigm shifts in computing

OZET Hesaplama ( C omputing), bilgisayar gerektiren, bilgisayarlardan faydalanma amaci guden veya farkli ihtiyaclara yonelik bilgisayar tasarimi ni amaclayan her turlu faaliyeti isaret eder . Bu tanimin da belirttigi uzere hesaplama ile bilgisayarlar arasinda cok siki bir iliski vardir ve bu nedenledir ki bilgisayar teknolojisinin gelisimine paralel olarak gecmisten gunumuze hesaplamanin farkli formlari ortaya cikmistir. Dogal olarak bu surec, icerisinde hesaplama kelimesi gecen bircok terimi de literature kazandirmistir. Bu calismanin amaci ise soz konusu hesaplama terimlerinin sebep oldugu/olabilec egi kafa karisikliklarina son verebilmek, hesaplamanin gecirdigi paradigma kaymalarini d onem donem ele almak ve detayli olarak incelemek seklinde ozetlenebilir. ABSTRACT Computing is a general term that points to all kinds of activities requiring, benefiting from or designing c omputers for different needs . As the definition states, computing is tightly coupled with computers and that is why, various forms of computing have emerged from past to present in parallel with the evolution of the computer technology. Inherent ly, this period of time has brought many technical words consisting of the term “computing” into the literature along the way . The main objective of this study is to put an end to the confusions caused by those computing - related terms in question and to ad dress the paradigm shifts in computing from a historical perspective.