The influence of recent decisions on future goal selection

Recent decisions about actions and goals can have effects on future choices. Several studies have shown an effect of the previous trial history on neural activity in a subsequent trial. Often, but not always, these effects originate from task requirements that make it necessary to maintain access to previous trial information to make future decisions. Maintaining the information about recent decisions and their outcomes can play an important role in both adapting to new contingencies and learning. Previous goal decisions must be distinguished from goals that are currently being planned to avoid perseveration or more general errors. Output monitoring is probably based on this separation of accomplished past goals from pending future goals that are being pursued. Behaviourally, it has been shown that the history context can influence the location, error rate and latency of successive responses. We will review the neurophysiological studies in the literature, including data from our laboratory, which support a role for the frontal lobe in tracking previous goal selections and outputs when new goals need to be accomplished.

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