with respect to π, if πis a measure on IE such thatπ(dx)q(xdy) = π(dy)q(ydx).Reversibility was introduced by Kolmogorov; see the review [1] and its applications to queueing in[3,6,8], which are for processes on countable state spaces. We present a canonical representation of thestationary distribution of Xon a general state space. This involves representing two-way communicationby certain Radon-Nikodym derivatives for measures on product spaces, using a result from [7]. This is notneeded for classical processes on discrete spaces or for kernels with with density functions (e.g., q(xdy) =r(x,y)µ(dx)). Included is a Kolmogorov criterion that establishes the reversibility of ψ-irreducible Markovjump processes [5].Thesecondpartofthestudyderivesstationarydistributionsfortwoclassesofreversiblemeasure-valuedMarkov processes:(1) Spatial birth-death processes with single and multiple births and deaths (the total population is neverinfinite, which is different from infinite-population systems [2,4]).(2) Spatial queueing systems in which customers move in a space where they receive services, analogous toservices in queueing networks [3,6,8].Sufficient conditions for ergodicity of spatial queues are also presented.The following is the main result for a
Nancy L. Garcia,et al.
Birth and death processes as projections of higher-dimensional Poisson processes
Advances in Applied Probability.
R. Serfozo.
Introduction to Stochastic Networks
Peter Whittle,et al.
Systems in stochastic equilibrium
Time reversible and Gibbsian point processes I. Markovian spatial birth and death processes on a general phase space
Anthony Unwin,et al.
Reversibility and Stochastic Networks
L. Tierney.
A note on Metropolis-Hastings kernels for general state spaces
R. L. Dobrushin,et al.
A. N. Kolmogorov - the founder of the theory of reversible Markov processes