Perairan pesisir Lampung Timur merupakan salah satu daerah yang potensial untuk produksi rajungan ( Portunus pelagicus ) dari alam di Indonesia, namun produktivitas dan ukuran hasil tangkapan cenderung semakin menurun yang diduga akibat tingginya intensitas eksploitasi. Pada penelitian ini diinvestigasi komposisi kelamin dan ukuran rajungan yang tertangkap dengan jaring insang dasar ( set gill-net ) pada beberapa stratifikasi batimetri dari Maret 2012−Februari 2013. Area kajian dibagi menjadi 3 stratifikasi: S1, S2 dan S3 dengan kedalaman air masing-masing kurang dari 5 m, 5−10 m, dan lebih dari 10 m. Analisis data menggunakan statistik deskriptif. Rajungan jantan dominan tertangkap di seluruh stratifikasi area pengamatan. Ukuran rata-rata lebar karapas (CW) dan bobot tubuh (BW) rajungan [±SD] di strata S1 adalah 108,57 ± 13,39 mm dan 89,22 ± 35,33 g serta berbeda nyata dengan S2 dan S3 ( P<0,05 ). Peningkatan ukuran lebar karapas dari S1 hingga S3 masing-masing 17,59% dan 14,62% serta bobot tubuh masing-masing 66,25% dan 57,24%. Terdapat sekitar 34% rajungan yang berukuran kecil dari Lm 50 dan 24% dewasa kurang reproduktif yang tertangkap di S1. Perairan pesisir di S1 juga tampak sebagai daerah tangkapan utama rajungan, sehingga diperlukan strategi pengelolaan dengan mengimplementasikan perlindungan daerah asuhan dan pemanfaatan yang sangat selektif di area ini. The East Lampung coastal waters is one of potential area for the blue swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus) wild catch production in Indonesia. However, catch productivity and sizes of caught crabs tend to be decrease and might be related to high exploitation rate. In present study, we investigated the sex compositions and size distribution of this crab caught by the set gill-net at several bathimetric stratifications from March 2012 to February 2013. The study area was divided into three stratifications, i.e., S1, S2, and S3, which have had water depth less than 5 m, 5−10 m and more than 10 m, respectively. Data was analysed by descriptive statistics. The high proportion of males found in all stratification areas. Mean carapace width (CW) and body weight (BW) [±SD] of crabs were 108.57 ± 13.39 mm and 89.22 ± 35.33 g in S1and it was significantly different to that of S2 and S3 (P<0.05). An increasing of mean carapace width throughout S1 to S3 was 17.59% and 14.62%, whiles body weight was 66.25% and 57.24%, respectively. There were approximately 34% of immature crabs (less than Lm 50 ) and 24% of less reproductive adults caught within S1. The coastal waters at S1 seem to be main fishing ground and management strategy by implementing a nursery ground protection and most selective fishing is required in this area.