Extraction of core competencies for Big Data: implications for Competency-Based Engineering Education

Big data industry is an innovative and dynamic working environment based on highly qualified workforce. As the big dataphenomenon advances, the demands of the industry for the workforce having these skills and competencies have increasedconsiderably in recent times. Accordingly, the engineering education programs today need to adapt these skills and competenciesinto their programs. Focusing on this issue, this study aims to extract the core competencies in-demand by the industry. Thesecompetencies are the critical ones to better guide the curriculum developers of the engineering education programs. Themethodology of the study is based on topic modeling analysis of online job advertisements using Latent Dirichlet Allocation, agenerative approach for probabilistic topic models, to automatically discover the trending topics in big data jobs. As a result,domain-specific competencies, developer competencies, soft competencies, business-oriented competencies and analyticalcompetencies are discovered, which revealed that big data competencies contain a wide spectrum of knowledge domains and skillsets based on a multidisciplinary background. The findings of the study are very critical to guide the industry, academia, and bigdata communities for bridging the gap between the requirements of the industry and the engineering education programs.