Porting of OSSIE on Texas Instrument's DAVINCI SoC Based SDR Platform

Software Communication Architecture (SCA) is an open architecture specification for the development of Software Defined Radios (SDRs). OSSIE (Open Source SCA Implementation: Embedded) is an SCA-compliant SDR framework which provides additional tools for experimentation and rapid prototype development. OSSIE framework has stabilized and reached a level of maturity for desktop environment. Therefore there is a need to target new devices and hardware platforms because ultimately SDR's will find most of their applications in embedded forms. In this work OSSIE and its dependencies have been ported to a custom designed embedded SDR platform, based on Texas Instrument's DAVINCI technology System on Chip (SoC). Open Embedded has been used for this port which is a complete build system for embedded platforms. Successful OSSIE port has been verified by building and executing a test waveform on this SDR platform.