Motivation and action

1. Motivation and action: introduction and overview J. Heckhausen and H. Heckhausen 2. Historical trends in motivation research H. Heckhausen 3. Trait theories of motivation D. Scheffer and H. Heckhausen 4. Situational determinants of behavior J. Beckmann and H. Heckhausen 5. Motivation as a function of expectancy and incentive J. Beckmann and H. Heckhausen 6. Achievement motivation J. C. Brunstein and H. Heckhausen 7. Social bonding: affiliation motivation and intimacy motivation K. Sokolowski and H. Heckhausen 8. Power motivation H.-D. Schmalt and H. Heckhausen 9. Implicit and explicit motives J. C. Brunstein 10. Biopsychological aspects of motivation O. C. Schultheiss and M. M. Wirth 11. Motivation and volition in the course of action A. Achtziger and P. M. Gollwitzer 12. Individual differences in self-regulation J. Kuhl 13. Intrinsic motivation and flow F. Rheinberg 14. Causal attribution of behavior and achievement J. Stiensmeier-Pelster and H. Heckhausen 15. Motivation and development J. Heckhausen and H. Heckhausen.