A Study on the Simulator Design of OFDM/QPSK Image Transmission System Embedded Watermark in Wireless Channel Environment
In this paper, we designed about OFDM/QPSK image transmission system simulator embedded watermark in wireless channel environment. Channel environment used OFDM/QPSK still image transmission system considering AWGN, Multi-path fading. And, we analyzed effect of still image and watermark information in considered channel environment. Watermark information is coded by DM-SS (Direct Matric/Spread Spectrum) image watermarking scheme, Also, we used interleaving scheme for mitigating the degradation in watermarking data under wireless channel. As a results, we could know that PSNR of watermark image improved of about 1dB by 54.2371dB then apply interleaving in same multi-path fading environment.