Geometry of binocular vision and a model for stereopsis

If a binocular observer looks at surfaces, the disparity is a continuous vector field defined on the manifold of cyclopean visual directions. We derive this field for the general case that the observer is presented with a curved surface and fixates an arbitrary point. We expand the disparity field in the neighbourhood of a visual direction. The first order approximation can be decomposed into congruences, similarities and deformations. The deformation component is described by the traceless part of the symmetric part of the gradient of the disparity. The deformation component carries all information concerning the slant of a surface element that is contained in the disparity field itself; it is invariant for changes of fixation, differential cyclotorsion and uniform aniseikonia. The deformation component can be found from a comparison of the orientation of surface details in the left and right retinal images. The theory provides a geometric explanation of the percepts obtained with uniform and oblique meridional aniseikonia. We utilize the geometric theory to construct a mechanistic model of stereopsis that obviates the need for internal zooming mechanisms, but nevertheless is insensitive to differential cyclotorsion or uniform aniseikonia.