A fuel consumption model based upon the instantaneous power demand experienced by a vehicle has been developed from chassis dynamometer experiments on over 100 in-use Australian vehicles. When applied to an individual vehicle, the model provides aggregate fuel consumption estimates for on-road driving which are within 2 per cent of the actual measured fuel usage. On-road instantaneous power is derived from the vehicle's mass, drag, velocity, acceleration and road gradient. Emission rate models for hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides which are of the same form as the fuel consumption model are also presented. In this paper, over 1000 km and 2124 links of traffic driving pattern data for the Sydney urban region are reviewed. Correlations between the total averaged link power and traffic parameters are presented and it is shown that vehicle link fuel consumption and emissions can be accurately calculated from vehicle mass, engine capacity, link average velocity, link average positive inertial power, link altitude change and link trip time (a). The paper was presented as Paper 10-Session 3-Fuel Consumption Modelling (2) (SAE 82140). The number of the covering abstract of the conference is TRIS no. 367871. (TRRL)