A Logical Framework with Dependently Typed Records

Our long term goal is a system to formally represent complex structured mathematical objects, and proofs and computation on such objects; e.g. a foundational computer algebra system. Our approach is informed by the long development of module systems for functional programming based on dependent record types as signatures [22]. For our logical purposes, however, we want a dependently typed base language. In this paper we propose an extension of Martin-Lof’s logical framework [25, 21] with dependently typed records, and present the semantic foundation and the typechecking algorithm of our system. Some of the work is formally checked in Coq [8].1 We have also implemented and experimented with several related systems. Our proposal combines a semantic foundation, provably sound typechecking, good expressiveness (e.g. subtyping, sharing) and first-class higher-order modules. The development of functional programming modules has addressed many aspects of the problem, such as use of manifest or transparent fields to control the information available in a signature, signature strengthening, type abstraction, sharing and subtyping [19, 15, 20]. The problem of modularity is not, however, closed, with much current research into first-class higher-order modules, recursive modules and mixins. There has also been work on dependently typed records over dependent base languages. A first practical implementation is described in [3], however without semantic foundation. An original extension of Martin-Lof’s logical framework is given in [6], however it lacks manifest fields to express sharing, and lacks metamathematical analysis. A general approach to adding modules on top of a Pure Type System

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