A ORGANIZAÇÃO ASSOCIATIVA NO SETOR APÍCOLA: CONTRIBUIÇÕES E POTENCIALIDADES Associative beekeeping organization: contributions and potentialities
This article aims to discuss on the cooperation and associative organization, its benefits and its main hindrances for a bigger consolidation of this type of organization. It also discusses the sudden and consequent development in the beekeeping sector. Therefore, it is set out as objective, to analyze whether the associative beekeeping is relevant regarding to the articulation and development capacity of the sector. In order to reach this objective, the research has used information obtained trough a seminary, in which debates about beekeeping occurred; non structured interviews, with representatives of Confederacao Brasileira de Apicultura - CBA, Federacao Apicola do Rio Grande do Sul – FARGS, beekeeping associations, and with specialists of the area. It was intended to approach to the beekeeping activity relevance, its history, and its contributions to the agribusiness development, concerning not only to the external market problem in face of the embargos, but also, internal problems related to the consumption and commercialization of the bee products. It was possible to note that, even the associativism present problems which demands to advance and to be overcome, such as the lack of commitment and the opportunism of some associates in face of the associative organization, the group realizes the collective strength they have, being capable to articulate the sector aiming its development, as well as the potential market development.