Impact of improved cookstoves on indoor air quality in the Bundelkhand region in India

Despite the reach of India's National Program on Improved Chulhas, little quantitative monitoring and evaluation of improved stove projects in India has previously been undertaken by non-governmental organizations. Development Alternatives (DA) recently distributed 980 improved chimney cookstoves (Sukhad stoves) in the Bundelkhand region of India. In a subset of these households (n = 60), DA undertook a comprehensive assessment of the impact of the improved Sukhad stove on indoor air quality. Measurements of carbon monoxide (CO) and fine particulate matter (PM 2.5 ) were conducted for a 48-hour period in 60 rural kitchens in Bundelkhand before and after installation of the Sukhad stove. One year after the installation of the of the Sukhad, 48-hour average CO concentrations were reduced, on average, by 70% (p 2.5 concentrations were reduced, on average, by 44% (p