Comprehensive analysis of the Alternaria mycobolome using mass spectrometry based metabolomics.

SCOPE Alternaria fungi are widely distributed plant pathogens infecting grains and vegetables and causing major harvest losses in METHODS AND RESULTS: Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FTICR-MS) and LC-MS/MS were combined for the non-targeted and targeted analysis of the metabolome of three A. alternata isolates and one A. solani isolate. Due to the ultra-high resolution of FTICR-MS, unique molecular formulae were assigned to measured m/z signals. The molecular formulae were matched to entries of the databases Antibase and KEGG. The non-targeted analysis of the fungal extracts revealed variations in the secondary metabolite profile of A. alternata and A. solani. Differences in the biosynthesis of dibenzo-α-pyrones, perylene quinones, tentoxin, and tenuazonic acid of the A. alternata and A. solani isolates were determined applying targeted LC-MS/MS. CONCLUSION FTICR-MS analyses revealed clear differences in the metabolic profile of the A. solani and the A. alternata isolates. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

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