Adaptive black blood fast spin echo for end‐systolic rest cardiac imaging

Black Blood Fast Spin Echo imaging of the heart is usually performed during mid‐diastolic rest. This is a direct consequence of the long inversion time required to suppress the blood signal, which is constrained by the T1 of the blood, and of the heart rate. To overcome these constraints, and to acquire black blood images in the end‐systolic rest period, a new approach is introduced aiming at adaptively predicting the best time to prepare and acquire MR signals. It is based on a RR interval prediction algorithm and on a cardiac cycle model. The proposed method was applied to 14 healthy volunteers and is compared to a simple alternative method using a fixed delay and to the standard black blood imaging method for imaging in the mid‐diastolic rest period. Results show that the proposed method offers an increased robustness in terms of trigger delay error and image quality compared to the tested simple alternative. Also, it has been shown by qualitative analysis done by an experienced observer that the right ventricle, especially the thin right ventricle free wall, is better depicted with our method than with the standard mid‐diastolic rest acquisition. Magn Reson Med, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.

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