Developmental cognitive neuroscience

[1]  Beatriz Luna,et al.  Longitudinal Growth Curves of Brain Function Underlying Inhibitory Control through Adolescence , 2013, The Journal of Neuroscience.

[2]  J. Fudge,et al.  Cortico–Amygdala–Striatal Circuits Are Organized as Hierarchical Subsystems through the Primate Amygdala , 2013, The Journal of Neuroscience.

[3]  Jillian E. Hardee,et al.  Patterns of Neural Connectivity During an Attention Bias Task Moderate Associations Between Early Childhood Temperament and Internalizing Symptoms in Young Adulthood , 2013, Biological Psychiatry.

[4]  Adam G. Thomas,et al.  The Organization of Dorsal Frontal Cortex in Humans and Macaques , 2013, The Journal of Neuroscience.

[5]  Patrick E. McKnight,et al.  Distinguishing Healthy Adults from People with Social Anxiety Disorder: Evidence for the Value of Experiential Avoidance and Positive Emotions in Everyday Social Interactions Positive Emotions , 2022 .

[6]  M. Ernst,et al.  A systematic review of fMRI reward paradigms used in studies of adolescents vs. adults: The impact of task design and implications for understanding neurodevelopment , 2013, Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews.

[7]  Monique Ernst,et al.  Nucleus accumbens, thalamus and insula connectivity during incentive anticipation in typical adults and adolescents , 2013, NeuroImage.



[10]  Monica Luciana,et al.  Incentive Motivation, Cognitive Control, and the Adolescent Brain: Is It Time for a Paradigm Shift? , 2012, Child development perspectives.

[11]  D. Kerzel,et al.  Affective states leak into movement execution: Automatic avoidance of threatening stimuli in fear of spider is visible in reach trajectories , 2012, Cognition & emotion.

[12]  E. Crone,et al.  Understanding adolescence as a period of social–affective engagement and goal flexibility , 2012, Nature Reviews Neuroscience.

[13]  J. O'Doherty,et al.  Contributions of the striatum to learning, motivation, and performance: an associative account , 2012, Trends in Cognitive Sciences.

[14]  E. Leibenluft,et al.  Threat bias in attention orienting: evidence of specificity in a large community-based study , 2012, Psychological Medicine.

[15]  James N. Porter,et al.  Dopaminergic modulation of incentive motivation in adolescence: age-related changes in signaling, individual differences, and implications for the development of self-regulation. , 2012, Developmental psychology.

[16]  K. Lim,et al.  Longitudinal changes in behavioral approach system sensitivity and brain structures involved in reward processing during adolescence. , 2012, Developmental psychology.

[17]  N. Fox,et al.  Flexible attention deployment in threatening contexts: an instructed fear conditioning study. , 2012, Emotion.

[18]  Philip David Zelazo,et al.  N2 amplitude as a neural marker of executive function in young children: An ERP study of children who switch versus perseverate on the Dimensional Change Card Sort , 2012, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience.

[19]  E. Crone,et al.  Brain function during probabilistic learning in relation to IQ and level of education , 2012, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience.

[20]  Caitlin Tenison,et al.  Weak task-related modulation and stimulus representations during arithmetic problem solving in children with developmental dyscalculia , 2012, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience.

[21]  P. Eslinger,et al.  An envisioned bridge: Schooling as a neurocognitive developmental institution , 2012, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience.

[22]  Gary Glover,et al.  Differences in neural activation between preterm and full term born adolescents on a sentence comprehension task: Implications for educational accommodations , 2012, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience.

[23]  J. Pekar,et al.  Neural circuitry associated with two different approaches to novel word learning , 2012, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience.

[24]  N. Fox,et al.  Early adversity and neural correlates of executive function: Implications for academic adjustment , 2012, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience.

[25]  Susanne M. Jaeggi,et al.  Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Neuronal Effects following Working Memory Training , 2022 .

[26]  Gesa Schaadt,et al.  Impact of phonological processing skills on written language acquisition in illiterate adults , 2012, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience.

[27]  S. Rombouts,et al.  Practice effects in the developing brain: A pilot study , 2012, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience.

[28]  D. Bavelier,et al.  The role of selective attention on academic foundations: A cognitive neuroscience perspective , 2012, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience.

[29]  Jessica F. Cantlon,et al.  Early math achievement and functional connectivity in the fronto-parietal network , 2012, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience.

[30]  Yee Lee Shing,et al.  Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience the Two-component Model of Memory Development, and Its Potential Implications for Educational Settings , 2022 .

[31]  Greg J Siegle,et al.  Emotional reactivity and regulation in anxious and nonanxious youth: a cell-phone ecological momentary assessment study. , 2012, Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines.

[32]  Abraham Z. Snyder,et al.  Spurious but systematic correlations in functional connectivity MRI networks arise from subject motion , 2012, NeuroImage.

[33]  R. Buckner,et al.  The organization of the human striatum estimated by intrinsic functional connectivity. , 2012, Journal of neurophysiology.

[34]  A. Waters,et al.  Attentional bias to drug cues is elevated before and during temptations to use heroin and cocaine , 2011, Psychopharmacology.

[35]  Jessica A. Turner,et al.  Behavioral Interpretations of Intrinsic Connectivity Networks , 2011, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.

[36]  W. Thompson,et al.  Daily emotional dynamics in depressed youth: a cell phone ecological momentary assessment study. , 2011, Journal of experimental child psychology.

[37]  D. Eldreth,et al.  Deficient prefrontal attentional control in late-life generalized anxiety disorder: an fMRI investigation , 2011, Translational Psychiatry.

[38]  C. Lebel,et al.  Longitudinal Development of Human Brain Wiring Continues from Childhood into Adulthood , 2011, The Journal of Neuroscience.

[39]  E. Tucker-Drob,et al.  Individual differences in the development of sensation seeking and impulsivity during adolescence: further evidence for a dual systems model. , 2011, Developmental psychology.

[40]  J. Gross,et al.  The temporal dynamics of emotion regulation: An EEG study of distraction and reappraisal , 2011, Biological Psychology.

[41]  L. Steinberg,et al.  Peers increase adolescent risk taking by enhancing activity in the brain's reward circuitry. , 2011, Developmental science.

[42]  T. Egner,et al.  Emotional processing in anterior cingulate and medial prefrontal cortex , 2011, Trends in Cognitive Sciences.

[43]  Monique Ernst,et al.  Attention Bias Modification Treatment: A Meta-Analysis Toward the Establishment of Novel Treatment for Anxiety , 2010, Biological Psychiatry.

[44]  D. Pine,et al.  Battlefield-like stress following simulated combat and suppression of attention bias to threat , 2010, Psychological Medicine.

[45]  N. Amir,et al.  Automatic avoidance tendencies in individuals with contamination-related obsessive-compulsive symptoms. , 2010, Behaviour research and therapy.

[46]  P. Levitt,et al.  Neuroscience and the Future of Early Childhood Policy: Moving from Why to What and How , 2010, Neuron.

[47]  Gang Chen,et al.  Adolescents, Adults and Rewards: Comparing Motivational Neurocircuitry Recruitment Using fMRI , 2010, PloS one.

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[49]  Thomas E. Nichols,et al.  Everything You Never Wanted to Know about Circular Analysis, but Were Afraid to Ask , 2010, Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism.

[50]  V. Menon,et al.  Saliency, switching, attention and control: a network model of insula function , 2010, Brain Structure and Function.

[51]  Serge A. R. B. Rombouts,et al.  Adolescent risky decision-making: Neurocognitive development of reward and control regions , 2010, NeuroImage.

[52]  A. Miniño,et al.  Mortality among teenagers aged 12-19 years: United States, 1999-2006. , 2010, NCHS data brief.

[53]  L. Steinberg A dual systems model of adolescent risk-taking. , 2010, Developmental psychobiology.

[54]  Jonathan D. Power,et al.  Identifying Basal Ganglia Divisions in Individuals Using Resting-State Functional Connectivity MRI , 2010, Front. Syst. Neurosci..

[55]  Christian Windischberger,et al.  Toward discovery science of human brain function , 2010, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

[56]  Joe Kossowsky,et al.  Vigilance and Avoidance of Threat in the Eye Movements of Children with Separation Anxiety Disorder , 2010, Journal of abnormal child psychology.

[57]  Leah H. Somerville,et al.  A time of change: Behavioral and neural correlates of adolescent sensitivity to appetitive and aversive environmental cues , 2010, Brain and Cognition.

[58]  G. Deco,et al.  Emerging concepts for the dynamical organization of resting-state activity in the brain , 2010, Nature Reviews Neuroscience.

[59]  E. Claus,et al.  Age differences in affective decision making as indexed by performance on the Iowa Gambling Task. , 2010, Developmental psychology.

[60]  R. Rapee,et al.  The time-course of attentional bias in anxious children and adolescents. , 2009, Journal of anxiety disorders.

[61]  Wesley K. Thompson,et al.  MATLAB toolbox for functional connectivity , 2009, NeuroImage.

[62]  J. Tanaka,et al.  The NimStim set of facial expressions: Judgments from untrained research participants , 2009, Psychiatry Research.

[63]  Stephen M Smith,et al.  Correspondence of the brain's functional architecture during activation and rest , 2009, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

[64]  A. Craig,et al.  Emotional moments across time: a possible neural basis for time perception in the anterior insula , 2009, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

[65]  Monique Ernst,et al.  Functional Brain Imaging of Development-Related Risk and Vulnerability for Substance Use in Adolescents , 2009, Journal of addiction medicine.

[66]  H. Pashler,et al.  Puzzlingly High Correlations in fMRI Studies of Emotion, Personality, and Social Cognition 1 , 2009, Perspectives on psychological science : a journal of the Association for Psychological Science.

[67]  Daniel S. Margulies,et al.  Functional connectivity of the human amygdala using resting state fMRI , 2009, NeuroImage.

[68]  L. Pessoa How do emotion and motivation direct executive control? , 2009, Trends in Cognitive Sciences.

[69]  J. Fudge,et al.  A developmental neurobiological model of motivated behavior: Anatomy, connectivity and ontogeny of the triadic nodes , 2009, Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews.

[70]  C. Carter,et al.  Altered functioning of the executive control circuit in late-life depression: episodic and persistent phenomena. , 2009, The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry.

[71]  B. Biswal,et al.  Functional connectivity of human striatum: a resting state FMRI study. , 2008, Cerebral cortex.

[72]  M. Banich,et al.  Age differences in sensation seeking and impulsivity as indexed by behavior and self-report: evidence for a dual systems model. , 2008, Developmental psychology.

[73]  Brent L. Hughes,et al.  Prefrontal-Subcortical Pathways Mediating Successful Emotion Regulation , 2008, Neuron.

[74]  Laura N. Martin,et al.  Reward-related processing in the human brain: Developmental considerations , 2008, Development and Psychopathology.

[75]  Adele Diamond,et al.  Biological processes in prevention and intervention: the promotion of self-regulation as a means of preventing school failure. , 2008 .

[76]  S. Bishop,et al.  Neural Mechanisms Underlying Selective Attention to Threat , 2008, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

[77]  Monique Ernst,et al.  Amygdala and ventrolateral prefrontal cortex activation to masked angry faces in children and adolescents with generalized anxiety disorder. , 2008, Archives of general psychiatry.

[78]  Heidi Johansen-Berg,et al.  Changes in white matter microstructure during adolescence , 2008, NeuroImage.

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[82]  Sonia J. Bishop,et al.  Neurocognitive mechanisms of anxiety: an integrative account , 2007, Trends in Cognitive Sciences.

[83]  M. Ernst,et al.  Neural substrates of choice selection in adults and adolescents: Development of the ventrolateral prefrontal and anterior cingulate cortices , 2007, Neuropsychologia.

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[86]  A. Dagher,et al.  Basal ganglia functional connectivity based on a meta-analysis of 126 positron emission tomography and functional magnetic resonance imaging publications. , 2006, Cerebral cortex.

[87]  S. Rombouts,et al.  Consistent resting-state networks across healthy subjects , 2006, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

[88]  M. Paulus,et al.  An Insular View of Anxiety , 2006, Biological Psychiatry.

[89]  G. Glover,et al.  Earlier Development of the Accumbens Relative to Orbitofrontal Cortex Might Underlie Risk-Taking Behavior in Adolescents , 2006, The Journal of Neuroscience.

[90]  Carter Wendelken,et al.  Neurocognitive development of the ability to manipulate information in working memory. , 2006, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

[91]  Monique Ernst,et al.  Ventrolateral prefrontal cortex activation and attentional bias in response to angry faces in adolescents with generalized anxiety disorder. , 2006, The American journal of psychiatry.

[92]  U. Goswami Neuroscience and education: from research to practice? , 2006, Nature Reviews Neuroscience.

[93]  Philip David Zelazo,et al.  The Dimensional Change Card Sort (DCCS): a method of assessing executive function in children , 2006, Nature Protocols.

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