Packagi ng Design Research and Analysis Based on Graphic Visual

Packagi ng is the brand concept, product features, a comprehensive reflection of consumer psychology, it has a direct impact on consumer purchases, consumer products and packaging is to establish a powerful means of affinity. Visual communication in the study of visual processes in people's visual perception of design information flow process, it is built on people's mental and physical habits based on the cognitive model. Pursuit of product packaging design features and the pursuit of increasingly perfect visual experience of beauty has become a prime target for modern packaging design. In this paper, in the full study design and analysis of domestic and international packaging industry, based on the visual design from graphic design to carry out research on the packaging. Finally, China's traditional festival Mid-Autumn Festival with the elemental analysis moon cake packaging design, packaging design focuses on analysis of moon cake in the text, graphics, color and layout design. Keyw ords: gra duate education reform, countermeasures, research-oriented mechanisms.