Frequency characteristics analysis of a wideband electronic choke for wire communication system

Communication lines in wire communication systems are usually used as power lines. Ac communication signal and dc supply power are separated at input part of a powered terminal. Conventional well-known separators utilize the combination of inductors and capacitors. When the frequency of the signal is low, the inductance increases, making it necessary to have a large inductor. A conventional electronic choke circuit using transistors has the disadvantage of high power dissipation. Furthermore, the direction of the dc current is limited to unidirectional. Our original communication system consists of powering terminals and powered terminals. The direction of the dc current in the powering terminals is opposite to that in the powered terminals. Therefore, it is preferable to have a bidirectional electronic choke. With respect to our low-loss electronic choke with small inductors and an amplifier, wide band technique is verified by analysis.