Seventh CANMET/ACI International Conference on Durability of Concrete
REGISTRATION FEES The conference registration fees will be: Before After April 28, 2006 April 28, 2006 International Delegates: $675.00 U.S. $775.00 U.S Canadian Delegates: $675.00 CAN $775.00 CAN Student /Developing Countries: $450.00 U.S. $550.00 U.S. Payment Check Enclosed (Make check payable to “Montreal Conference 2006”). For non-Canadians, checks must be in U.S. funds drawn on a U.S. bank. Charge to my MasterCard/Visa Card # ________________________________________________________ Expiry Date ________ Bank Transfer: CIBC, 7250, boul. Taschereau, Suite 01, Brossard (QC) CANADA J4W 1M9