Context Evaluation of Historical Sites in the Prado Basin

Abstract : This document combines a context evaluation report with assessment of the historical sites within the Prado Basin, a study area defined by the elevation of 566 feet amsl. The historical context of the cultural resources is set forth in a general overview, augmented by more detailed discussion of such topics as transportation, water systems, and architecture. These were selected from the range of historical themes to illustrate the current level of understanding, apparent data gaps, and explicit questions generated which warrant further study and which are used, in turn, in considering the potential research value of each site. On the basis of all prior historical studies, test excavations, remote sensing, and updated field inspections, each known site was evaluated for its eligibility to the National Register of Historic Places in terms of its integrity and potential to yield important information pertinent to the research design. The study concludes with a recommendation that Prado Basin be nominated to the National Register as an historical district, and other suggestions for the management of significant historical properties.