Handbook of photochemistry

. Photophysics of Organic Molecules in Solution Triplet-State Energies: Ordered Flash Photolysis: Designing Experiments Low Temperature Photophysics of Organic Molecules Ground-State Absorption Spectra ESR and ODMR Parameters of the Triplet State Diffusion-Controlled Rate Constants Rate Constants of Singlet-State Quenching Rate Constants of Triplet-State Quenching Ionization Energies, Electron Affinities, and Redox Potentials of Organic Compounds Bond Dissociation Energies Solvent Properties Chemical Actinometry Transmission Characteristics of Light Filters and Glasses Spectral Distribution of Photochemical Sources Spin-Orbit Coupling Fundamental Constants and Conversion Factors Hammett (T Constants Bibliography and Indexes References Compound Name Index Molecular Formula Index