GECO: Galaxy Evolution COde - A new semi-analytical model of galaxy formation

Aims. We present a new semi-analytical model of galaxy formation, GECO (Galaxy Evolution COde), aimed at a better understanding of when and how the two processes of star formation and galaxy assembly have taken place, by comparison with a wide variety of recent data on the evolutionary galaxy mass functions and star-formation histories. Methods. Our model is structured into a Monte Carlo algorithm based on the Extended Press-Schechter theory, for the representati on of the merging hierarchy of dark matter halos, and a set of ana lytic algorithms for the treatment of the baryonic physics, including classical recipes for the gas cooling, the star formation ti me-scales, galaxy mergers and SN feedback. Together with the galaxies, the parallel growth of BHs is followed in time and their feedback on the hosting galaxies is modelled. We set the model free parameters by matching with data on local stellar mass functions and the BH-bulge relation at z = 0. Results. Based on such local boundary conditions, we investigate how data on the high-redshift universe constrain our understan ding of the physical processes driving the evolution, focusing i n particular on the assembly of stellar mass and on the star fo rmation history. Since both processes are currently strongly constrained by cosmological near- and far-IR surveys with the Spitzer Space Telescope,

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